
Furniture usage environment

Furniture usage environment

Amish furniture is made from solid wood, and as with all solid wood furniture, the wood may shrink or expand slightly with seasonal changes in relative humidity.

Relative humidity usually changes throughout the year. This gradual change in humidity throughout the year usually does not cause problems , but to keep your furniture in good condition for a long time, avoid sudden changes in humidity . Avoid environments where the relative humidity is below 30% or above 60%. Extremely dry conditions below 30% are particularly likely to cause problems.

The ideal environment has a relative humidity of 45%-60%.

Problems most commonly occur when the device is exposed to direct sunlight for long periods of time or near heat sources such as heaters, vents, etc. Also, it is designed for indoor use, so it is not suitable for outdoor installations.

Table extension function

Amish furniture is made of solid hardwood, so some of it can be very heavy. Please be careful when handling it to avoid injury. When moving, assembling, or setting up the furniture, please take sufficient safety precautions to avoid injury.

When extending or retracting the table, be careful not to get your fingers caught in the heavy top, and always have at least two adults handle the work. Tables with gears open evenly on the left and right, so please ensure there is enough space around the table and consider safety by making sure there is nothing that can break.

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